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uVision syntax highlighting - how to change doxygen tag color

Hi. uVision v5.12.0.0
How can I change color and font style for the doxygen tags (e.g: @param | \param) in C editor mode. By default they render like some garish brownish stain that really stands out and I prefer my regular old soft light grey-blue mellowness.


  • Hello,

    Keil uses the 3rd party scintilla editor as a base for their IDE. Since Scintilla can catch be used to edit other things besides C code, the editor may catch things beyond what can be configured in the Keil Edit-> Configuration dialog.

    To change this, find this file:

    [Keil Install directory] \UV4\global.prop.def

    And open in in notepad.

    Scintilla has defined 'garish brownish stain ' as #804020.

    You can find this entry on (for me ) line 366 of this file.


    I changed it to #0080FF, saved the file, restarted Keil, and get a nice 'non-garish non-stainish' color. I am no interior designer, but I think of it as a 'happy blue'.

  • Hello,

    Keil uses the 3rd party scintilla editor as a base for their IDE. Since Scintilla can catch be used to edit other things besides C code, the editor may catch things beyond what can be configured in the Keil Edit-> Configuration dialog.

    To change this, find this file:

    [Keil Install directory] \UV4\global.prop.def

    And open in in notepad.

    Scintilla has defined 'garish brownish stain ' as #804020.

    You can find this entry on (for me ) line 366 of this file.


    I changed it to #0080FF, saved the file, restarted Keil, and get a nice 'non-garish non-stainish' color. I am no interior designer, but I think of it as a 'happy blue'.
