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Systick won't go less than 1ms

Hi, I have an application running on an LPC4357 (MBC4300) using the latest uVision etc CMSIS drivers etc.
I want to get the system tick to operate at 100us rather than the default 1ms (for faster serial comms task reaction).
When I adjust it down to 100us it has no effect even the LED stays the same time, increasing it works but decreasing it does not or does strange things e.g. 750 brings it up to 1.5ms?
The system and thread viewer shows 0.100msec (when set to 100us). Adjusting the System Tick Timer down manually works (it it was set to 1000 in the first place).
Its as if the RTOS is adjusting it in some way never allowing less than 1ms.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks

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