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Bootloader compliance hex code for C8051F320

Hi, I have CC1101DK433 development board from Texas Instruments which has C8051F320 USB MCU microcontroller. Currently, I don't have a Silabs EC2 Serial Adapter and am using bootloader to program the MCU via USB interface. I'm using Keil uvision 5 (compiler C51 v9.54) for debugging the source code and generating the hex file. I have made the changes in STARTUP.A51 file as prescribed by the TI documentation. But still for the same source code, the hex code that I generate is completely different from the hex file provided by the example library. The hex file generated by my own seems to overwrite the bootloader and Flash Programmer doesn't allow me to upload the hex file into the MCU. Please suggest what could be the reason behind this issue.
