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how to write a simple blink code for LPC1227


I want to know how to write a simple blink led code for PHR601.
I purchase a PHR601 & try to write code for LPC 1227 which is present in PHR601.
But i am not able to run the code.
so please help mi to write a code in lpc1227 for keil.

Thank you,

  • Do you mean the PRH601?

    If so, what pins are the LEDs attached too?

    If not, perhaps you can cite a web page or manual for this PHR601 device/board you mention.

    What code have you built for it so far?

    From a Keil perspective, perhaps you can dig up the MCB1200 Blinky example (for the NXP LPC1227) and modify that to suit.

  • Do you mean the PRH601?

    If so, what pins are the LEDs attached too?

    If not, perhaps you can cite a web page or manual for this PHR601 device/board you mention.

    What code have you built for it so far?

    From a Keil perspective, perhaps you can dig up the MCB1200 Blinky example (for the NXP LPC1227) and modify that to suit.

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