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STM32CubeMX invalaid number of arguments


I downloaded from the stm home page the cube mx and installed it, then I downloaded with it the stm cube for stm32f4 version 1.8.0. When I want to ad to the project the cubemx framework/system, I will get this in a command line:

STM32CubeMX Launcher V1.0.0.1
Copyright (C) 2015 ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.

*** Error: invalid number of arguments
    Usage: CubeMxLauncher
           CubeMxLauncher Device_name UV_Project_file Device_Family_Pack_Path

CubeMXLauncher termiates with error code 3
Enter any key to close.

How can I solve it? Or why I get this error?

Note: at "Manage runtime environment" after pressing "OK" button, it will print a window, with a "notice" which say they will be generate a few file ect, I press there yes button after that, I get this error.