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Learning RTOS (especially Keil RTX) on STM32F4 Discovery board

Hi guys,
Just got my STM32F4 Discovery board and I'm very interested to learn RTOS

Naturally, it'd be best to start with Keil RTX as it's included in the MDK
I would be very grateful if you could share any resources wherein I can learn about RTOS via examples, i.e learning by doing.

The only example I've found so far is the CMSIS-Blinky.

Thank you so much indeed

  • Its great to read that you opted KEIL-MDK as a development platform.

    As you mentioned about your eagerness about CMSIS RTOS, let me guide you to many more pre developed examples that come along with MDK.

    However, even if you do not have license, you can practically play around with many more examples provided in Pack Installer rather than only CMSIS-Blinky.

    As well, try the folder where DFP of STM32F4 is stored and you will find many other examples.

    Except that, try the wed pages describing CMSIS RTOS.

    Other than that, contact Keil Support, in case you have any GENUINE query.

    Good Luck. :)

  • Its great to read that you opted KEIL-MDK as a development platform.

    As you mentioned about your eagerness about CMSIS RTOS, let me guide you to many more pre developed examples that come along with MDK.

    However, even if you do not have license, you can practically play around with many more examples provided in Pack Installer rather than only CMSIS-Blinky.

    As well, try the folder where DFP of STM32F4 is stored and you will find many other examples.

    Except that, try the wed pages describing CMSIS RTOS.

    Other than that, contact Keil Support, in case you have any GENUINE query.

    Good Luck. :)
