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Create a Dynamic Library

I am using LPC1788 controller but its 512KB flash memory is not enough.
But I have enough external flash memory and accessible by the file system but not accessible in the compilation of the project.
I wonder if it is possible create a library that will load from the file system into RAM in order to run.
Best regards,

Leonardo F. Farah

  • You can configure the linking to store code or data in one memory region but for use in a different memory region.

    So just as it's possible to get the compiler to store the code of a function in flash and have it copied into RAM before use, it's possible to have code linked for storage in external flash bus use in RAM. But you must make sure that the external memory is accessible before you call the CRTL init code that performs the initialization of all variables etc - so it's able to access and copy the flash code into RAM.

  • You can configure the linking to store code or data in one memory region but for use in a different memory region.

    So just as it's possible to get the compiler to store the code of a function in flash and have it copied into RAM before use, it's possible to have code linked for storage in external flash bus use in RAM. But you must make sure that the external memory is accessible before you call the CRTL init code that performs the initialization of all variables etc - so it's able to access and copy the flash code into RAM.
