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Can't Tranfer Project to Other PC - uVision File Management a Mess

You would think with the uVision's Run-Time Environment Manager and Software Package Selector with all its version control and download features that I should have no trouble switching between machines while working on a project. Well, you'd be wrong.

Half the files in my project are just being referenced to locations in the Keil program directory, while the other half are copied to my project folder. Why?

Some of these files are considered Packages, some are considered Components, and some are just considered included files. They are all just .c and .h files. Why are some handled one way, and others handled differently?

Why after moving my project to a new system do I have to spend hours making sure every setting in every menu is identical to the other machine my code was created just to get the code to compile when all of the information needed to do this already is (or should be) stored in the project file?

Unless I'm missing something all I see from these 'features' is larger file sizes for data that isn't actually being used to do anything to help workflow. All I'm finding are obstacles and reasons to switch to another IDE.

  • Hi A Wy,

    thanks for sharing your problem with us. I have re-created the issue here and I can see that there is no warning message when you load a project that was based on new Software Packs (but these Software Packs are not installed on the computer). We are going to add such a warning in the next months.

    However the file <project>.build_log.htm contains already today detailed information about the toolchain version and the Software Packs that have been used. See: This allows you to re-install the tool environment along with the Software Packs that have been used previously.

    For more information, see also my post under:

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi A Wy,

    thanks for sharing your problem with us. I have re-created the issue here and I can see that there is no warning message when you load a project that was based on new Software Packs (but these Software Packs are not installed on the computer). We are going to add such a warning in the next months.

    However the file <project>.build_log.htm contains already today detailed information about the toolchain version and the Software Packs that have been used. See: This allows you to re-install the tool environment along with the Software Packs that have been used previously.

    For more information, see also my post under:

    I hope this helps.
