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Hi EveryOne,
I received a file (firmware) with ".HEX" format to download in a STM32F103 (ZF). How can I convert this file in a format that I can use uVison + Ulink2? How is the procedure, step by step, on uVison?

  • It's not well suited to the task. Get yourself an ST-LINK, and then download the firmware using the ST-LINK Utilities. If your board has USART1 connectivity, and control of the BOOT0 pin, you could use the Flash Loader Demonstrator application to download that way.

  • It's not well suited to the task. Get yourself an ST-LINK, and then download the firmware using the ST-LINK Utilities. If your board has USART1 connectivity, and control of the BOOT0 pin, you could use the Flash Loader Demonstrator application to download that way.
