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STM32F0 common debugger problem

I've seen multiple threads around the internet about the issue I'm having with no solution. So here's another thread:

I can't get the ST-Link/v2 debugger to work. When I compile the project in uVision 5 and flash a board with the STM32F070CB I'm using this all works great.

But when I try to debug the debugger doesn't go into main() in startup_stm32F070xb.s, instead it goes through all of the lines below (past main) to where the arrow is:

IMPORT  SystemInit
                 LDR     R0, =SystemInit
                 BLX     R0
                 LDR     R0, =__main
                 BX      R0                     <---

I've tried everything, I checked all the project settings at least a 1000 times.

This is code that was generated straight from STM32CubeMX using HAL but no OS.

I can get debugging to work on the STM32F0Discovery board with the example project. But I can't get it to work when I try to create my own project on that same devkit with the exact same project settings. When I do that I have the exact same problem as described above.

  • __main != main()

    If you step-into the "BX R0" it will take you into library/run-time code that initializes the statics used in your code, once that is done it will enter main()

    The granularity of the M0 seems a bit rougher than other parts, not sure I'd lose sleep over it. Optimized C will always be difficult as there is often a many-to-one relationship between the source and output, and the output may be out of sequence.

  • __main != main()

    If you step-into the "BX R0" it will take you into library/run-time code that initializes the statics used in your code, once that is done it will enter main()

    The granularity of the M0 seems a bit rougher than other parts, not sure I'd lose sleep over it. Optimized C will always be difficult as there is often a many-to-one relationship between the source and output, and the output may be out of sequence.
