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i have a file bin than it read for arm micro
please guide me how can I translate the binary code to assembly and C

  • By spending a couple of years developing great skills in assembler.

    Then you can reverse-engineer the binary to get assembler instructions, and from them figuring out what the code does and then write C code that performs the corresponding actions.

    Note that the conversion from C to machine code is a lossy process. It has no similarity with using a compression program like zip, arj, ... and compress a text file and later being able to decompress the archive and get back the original text.

  • By spending a couple of years developing great skills in assembler.

    Then you can reverse-engineer the binary to get assembler instructions, and from them figuring out what the code does and then write C code that performs the corresponding actions.

    Note that the conversion from C to machine code is a lossy process. It has no similarity with using a compression program like zip, arj, ... and compress a text file and later being able to decompress the archive and get back the original text.

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