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how to unlocking pin stm32f103

Hi, i'm fai
I learning stm32f103 programming, and I'm confuse, I want using

void GPIO_PinLockConfig(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, u16 GPIO_Pin)

How to unlocking pin after I using it?
please help me.. thanks

  • Note that this is a specific question about an ST product - it has nothing to do with Keil or ARM.

    So you would probably be better asking ST.

    What does the stm32f103 documentation tell you?
    and/or the documentation for the GPIO_PinLockConfig() function ?

  • Note that this is a specific question about an ST product - it has nothing to do with Keil or ARM.

    So you would probably be better asking ST.

    What does the stm32f103 documentation tell you?
    and/or the documentation for the GPIO_PinLockConfig() function ?
