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keil 4 with Wine on ubuntu editor bug

i have managed to run uvision keil 420 through Wine on Ubuntu 14.04
the problem is that the editor does not work fine
actually it is horrible; whenever you scroll down the code whit-spaces are filled with characters from the previous lines of code , besides these spaces and tabs are coloured with different colour that the editor's background colour.

is it possible to fix this problem ?

  • 1. Wine is not a supported platform by Keil products
    2. Linux is not a supported platform by Keil products
    3. V4.20 is a former µVision version with an editor that is confirmed to be working well at typical requirements of a Keil product.

    Note - the latest requirements we have summarized at:

  • 1. Wine is not a supported platform by Keil products
    2. Linux is not a supported platform by Keil products
    3. V4.20 is a former µVision version with an editor that is confirmed to be working well at typical requirements of a Keil product.

    Note - the latest requirements we have summarized at:
