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Multiply Defined Error

I am getting error below while compiling http_demo example for mcbstr9.
Tried defining these three variables again in Net_config.h as

extern const U8 IP_Broadcast[IP_ADRLEN];
extern const U8 MAC_Broadcast[ETH_ADRLEN]; But getting same error again. Kindly help.

.\Obj\Http_demo.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol IP_Broadcast multiply defined (by at_ip.o and net_config.o).
.\Obj\Http_demo.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol MAC_Broadcast multiply defined (by at_ethernet.o and net_config.o).
.\Obj\Http_demo.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol igmp_is_member multiply defined (by at_igmp.o and net_config.o).

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