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uVision Configuration

We have a team of developers and we want to ensure that we all use the same tab settings for uVision (i.e. replacing tabs with 2 spaces) but I can't find where this is stored?
I looked through the uvopt and uvgui files but can't find anything, and since i don't have admin rights, I can't check the registry - is this where they are stored?


  • Is your team so huge that it can't be handled by just "management by walking around"?

    One other concept often used by companies (at least with better source revisioning systems) is to have the source repository server perform pre-screening of all commits, and reject to accept any commits that doesn't fulfill the company policy. So if *.h, *.c, *.cpp files contains hard tab characters or indent with the wrong number of spaces, or the source files doesn't contain Doxygen tags then the developer just gets a message to fix and try again.

    One thing to remember is that the Keil IDE doesn't contain this worlds best programmers editor. So lots of developers may decide to use some other editor for actually editing the source files. Which means that the indentation settings in the Keil IDE doesn't matter because they will not be used. Pre-screening in CVS/SVN/... on the other hand will catch issues whatever editor that might have been used.

  • Is your team so huge that it can't be handled by just "management by walking around"?

    One other concept often used by companies (at least with better source revisioning systems) is to have the source repository server perform pre-screening of all commits, and reject to accept any commits that doesn't fulfill the company policy. So if *.h, *.c, *.cpp files contains hard tab characters or indent with the wrong number of spaces, or the source files doesn't contain Doxygen tags then the developer just gets a message to fix and try again.

    One thing to remember is that the Keil IDE doesn't contain this worlds best programmers editor. So lots of developers may decide to use some other editor for actually editing the source files. Which means that the indentation settings in the Keil IDE doesn't matter because they will not be used. Pre-screening in CVS/SVN/... on the other hand will catch issues whatever editor that might have been used.
