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Wolfssl pthread.h is missing

I want to use wolfssl library (v3.6.9) on Keil (v5.17), but when I add wolfCrypt to project, I get this error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Keil 5.17\ARM\PACK\wolfSSL\CyaSSL\3.6.9\wolfssl\wolfssl/wolfcrypt/wc_port.h(78): error:  #5: cannot open source input file "pthread.h": No such file or directory

I searched all directories for pthread.h, but it's not available! How can I use the WolfSSL for cryptography?

  • You ask "how can I use..."
    Maybe you should ask "can I use..."

    The Keil tools doesn't support pthreads, which is quite reasonable. The POSIX standard was written with the assumption that you have a full OS - not that you run your code directly on the hardware.

    So it will be up to you if you have the skills to modify the wolfssl code to manage without pthreads. And we can't know if you have the skills to do that.

  • You ask "how can I use..."
    Maybe you should ask "can I use..."

    The Keil tools doesn't support pthreads, which is quite reasonable. The POSIX standard was written with the assumption that you have a full OS - not that you run your code directly on the hardware.

    So it will be up to you if you have the skills to modify the wolfssl code to manage without pthreads. And we can't know if you have the skills to do that.
