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Receiving then transmitting from keyboard input

I have this code that needs modifying to be able to accept a keyboard input and then transmit to serial window UART #1, 2 or 3 by creating a loop that receives from UART 1 then Transmit to UART 1. I am a little perplexed on how to begin this code because I have only been dealing with loading string texts loaded in memory. Any assistance would be helpful.

;   modified UART code for LPC2104 from Hohl and Hinds, Section 16.2.5
;   The modifications are to use push/pop instead of stmia/ldmdb

        area uartdemo, code, readonly
pinsel0  equ  0xe002c000                ; controls function of pins
u1start  equ  0xe000c000                ; start of UART0 registers
lcr0  equ  0xc                  ; line control register for UART0
lsr0  equ  0x14                 ; line status register for UART0
ramstart  equ  0x40000000       ; start of onboard RAM for 2104
stackstart  equ  0x40000200     ; start of stack


        ldr sp, = stackstart    ; set up stack pointer
        bl UARTConfig           ; initialize/configure UART0
        ldr r1, = CharData      ; starting address of characters


        ldrb r0, [r1], #1               ; load character, increment address
        cmp r0, #0              ; null terminated?
        blne Transmit           ; send character to UART
        bne loop                ; continue if not a '0'
done    b done                  ; otherwise, we are done

; subroutine UARTConfig
;   Configures the I/O pins first.
;   Then sets up the UART control register.
;   Parameters set to 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
;   Registers used:
;   r5 - scratch register
;   r6 - scratch register
;   inputs:  none
;   outputs:  none

        push {r5, r6, lr}
        ldr r5, = pinsel0       ; base address of register
        ldr r6, [r5]            ; get contents
        bic r6, r6, #0xf        ; clear out lower nibble
        orr r6, r6, #0x5        ; sets P0.0 to Tx0 and P0.1 to Rx0
        str r6, [r5]            ; r/modify/w back to register
        ldr r5, = u1start
        mov r6, #0x83           ; set 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
        strb r6, [r5, #lcr0]    ; write control byte to LCR
        mov r6, #0x61           ; 9600 baud @ 15MHz VPB clock
        strb r6, [r5]           ; store control byte
        mov r6, #3              ; set DLAB = 0
        strb r6, [r5, #lcr0]    ; Tx and Rx buffers set up
        pop {r5, r6, pc}

; subroutine Transmit
;   Puts one byte into the UART for transmitting
;   Registers used:
;   r5 - scratch register
;   r6 - scratch register
;   inputs:  r0 - byte to transmit
;   outputs:  none

        push {r5, r6, lr}
        ldr r5, = u1start
        ldrb r6, [r5, #lsr0]    ; get status of buffer
        cmp r6, #0x20           ; buffer empty?
        beq wait                ; spin until buffer is empty
        strb r0, [r5]
        pop {r5, r6, pc}

CharData  dcb  "Hello Professor! How are you?", 0


  • So start with a loop.
    Not too hard to implement.
    Expand the loop to check if there are any incoming data from any UART to pick up and place in a receive buffer.
    Expand the loop to check if there are any buffered data that should be sent to any UART - and if that UART is ready to accept more.
    Expand the loop to scan a keyboard, and if a key is detected store in a receive buffer.

    What exact problems do you see with implementing a basic program skeleton and then add features one at a time? All software is created by the creation of individual blocks that are merged into larger and larger programs - or maybe into macro-blocks that are then merged into the program. So it's similar to running a marathon - you do it one step at a time.

  • So start with a loop.
    Not too hard to implement.
    Expand the loop to check if there are any incoming data from any UART to pick up and place in a receive buffer.
    Expand the loop to check if there are any buffered data that should be sent to any UART - and if that UART is ready to accept more.
    Expand the loop to scan a keyboard, and if a key is detected store in a receive buffer.

    What exact problems do you see with implementing a basic program skeleton and then add features one at a time? All software is created by the creation of individual blocks that are merged into larger and larger programs - or maybe into macro-blocks that are then merged into the program. So it's similar to running a marathon - you do it one step at a time.
