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Debug ini Files & how to use them


I searched the whole Keil/ARM Support Resources on how to use the ini File for a debug session.
I found the commands for it but no really helpful example how to use them for debbugging.

For example my ini File is following:

FUNC void EnableTPIU (void) { // ETM HW Ports on CPU
  _WDWORD(0x4002381C, _RDWORD(0x4002381C) | 0x00000010); // RCC_AHBENR:IO port E clock enable
  _WDWORD(0x40021000, 0x00002AA0); //GPIOE_MODER: PE2..PE6 = Alternate function mode
  _WDWORD(0x40021008, 0x00002AA0); // GPIOx_OSPEEDR: PE2..PE6 = 10 MHz Medium speed
  _WDWORD(0x4002100C, 0x00001550); // GPIOx_PUPDR: PE2..PE6 = Pull-up
  _WDWORD(0x40021020, 0x00000000); // GPIOx_AFRL: PE2..PE6 = AF0
  _WDWORD(0xE0042004, 0x00000020); // DBGMCU_CR

EnableTPIU(); // Debugger Setup
** Execute upon software RESET

FUNC void OnResetExec(void) { 
  EnableTPIU(); // Debugger Setup

Can anyone tell me when, which function gets called? For example, where it is defined when to start the function "OnResetExec"? Or gets the complete file executed at start of debugger?
The online help is not very helpful.

My goal is to automatically start logging the serial communication into a defined file with SLOG. I made it manual by typing into commands window and it worked. But I want to open and write Files depending on where my serial printf's are. So for TestFunc001 a File called for example "LogTestFunc001.txt" or for function TestFunc002 a log file "LogTestFunc001.txt". As I read in online help it should be possible to use some symbols. But I don't know how to provide symbols or variables of source code to the debugger.

Are there more detailed helps for how to use debugger commands? Does anyone has a similar use case?


Kind regards


  • Hi Andy,

    The user function OnResetExec is called after every reset if it exists. Since a reset is executed by starting a debug session, this function is also called at the very beginning of a debug session. The following link explains this:

    You can specify the SLOG command at the end of your INI file (after function OnResetExec) to log the content of the Debug(printf) Viewer window into this file. With SLOG you can only open one file at the same time.
    I did not try this in an example, but I would try to split the output into several log files by using breakpoints on function entries where you open/close different log files. The execution of your application would be interrupted for short times so this would be a intrusive test.

  • Hi Andy,

    The user function OnResetExec is called after every reset if it exists. Since a reset is executed by starting a debug session, this function is also called at the very beginning of a debug session. The following link explains this:

    You can specify the SLOG command at the end of your INI file (after function OnResetExec) to log the content of the Debug(printf) Viewer window into this file. With SLOG you can only open one file at the same time.
    I did not try this in an example, but I would try to split the output into several log files by using breakpoints on function entries where you open/close different log files. The execution of your application would be interrupted for short times so this would be a intrusive test.
