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I am trying to add a FTP server to my LPC4337 board.
Ethernet and SD card management are done by the M0 core of the LPC4337.

I can access to the SD Card and file system (create files, ...).
Ethernet communication is working (I can ping my board and send data through UDP socket).

I can connect my board using FTP server but only commands seem to work.
With the command prompt I can connect using "FTP my_host"
Then I am able to enter the login and the password.

But when I want to access directory of my SD Card I have the following issue :

200 Command successful
150 Opening data connection

Nothing happens and after few minutes :
Connection closed by remote host

(But if I want create a directory using "mkdir" command, this works).
I have the same behaviour using FileZila Client

What did I miss ?
Do I need to configure something in my computer ?
Do I need to add special code on my board (I did nothing else that adding FTP server CMSIS library)?

I can't use the example provided by Keil because it is not compatible with latest version of Keil (It doesn't compile without any change) so it is difficult to find where the problem is.

Thank you,

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