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HI all,,,,
I need a small help from you all.... actually i am new to electronics and programming part. i am making a small project in which i need to enter the idle mode to save the battery consumption done by my 89S52. i have written a code to enter the idle mode...

PCON |=0x01;

my microcontoller has entered the idle mode but not aware of how to exit it...
have gone through the data sheet twice but not able to understnad anything...
yes.... understood a bit... so in that case i wrote a code to exit idle mode...


but ths thing does not work.....
i want to exit the idle mode on a keypress...
can nybody help me with the code....

  • You already had an earlier thread
    where Erik did give you suggestions two weeks ago.

    That you now wonder what an ISR is, means that you can't have spent very much time with Google to figure out how to implement that external interrupt that Erik did mention then.

    Learning doesn't come magically - it takes own work to get some progress. If you do get stuck, don't start new threads asking the same question a second time. Instead post links to text you have spent time reading through, and ask about specific sentences or concepts that you don't understand.

    In the end, the processor is no much different from you. It wakes up when it gets interrupted by some external interrupt (like an alarm clock) or an internal sleep timer interrupts it.

  • You already had an earlier thread
    where Erik did give you suggestions two weeks ago.

    That you now wonder what an ISR is, means that you can't have spent very much time with Google to figure out how to implement that external interrupt that Erik did mention then.

    Learning doesn't come magically - it takes own work to get some progress. If you do get stuck, don't start new threads asking the same question a second time. Instead post links to text you have spent time reading through, and ask about specific sentences or concepts that you don't understand.

    In the end, the processor is no much different from you. It wakes up when it gets interrupted by some external interrupt (like an alarm clock) or an internal sleep timer interrupts it.
