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PPP terminated after IPCP config. request


I'm trying to set up a PPP link over a BGS2T (Cinterion) modem with the Keil PPP Middleware.
I managed to get up until the LCP and CHAP phase of the PPP connection but then the PPP suddenly stops and sends the Terminate command.
From the trace I can see everything is ok up until the IPCP "configuration request" frame.
After this a LCP "terminate request" is send and the session is terminated.

I have no clue why this happens and how to resolve it.
What are common reasons to terminate an IPCP config request?

Many thanks


  • Don't know, but would suspect such things might happen with deprecated/compromised/weak protocols/versions/options are selected/requested.

    If you're not connecting into something you control, and can see the other side of the transaction, consider doing so.

  • Don't know, but would suspect such things might happen with deprecated/compromised/weak protocols/versions/options are selected/requested.

    If you're not connecting into something you control, and can see the other side of the transaction, consider doing so.

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