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tunnel robot

GOOD DAY. I am a student at the Nelson Mandela University doing my final year. I am currently doing research on my design project (TUNNEL ROBOT) and i am using a stm32f3 board and i want to communicate with it via bluetooth from a computer to control the robot and also for the microcontroller to send information to the pv. i will be using visual basic.please help!

thank you.

  • First start your project and work until you get stuck.
    Then spend time with Google and see if you can get further.
    If still stuck - then come back and ask _specific_ questions related to what you are stuck with.

    You can't come here with "I'm about to take a drivers license - please help me drive a car."

  • First start your project and work until you get stuck.
    Then spend time with Google and see if you can get further.
    If still stuck - then come back and ask _specific_ questions related to what you are stuck with.

    You can't come here with "I'm about to take a drivers license - please help me drive a car."

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