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How do I disable interrupt (IRQ) on my Atmel SAM7X?


How can I simply disable interrupts (IRQ) on my ATSAM7X application?
I simply want to prevent some critical HW-timing from beeing interrupted by "other stuff".
Something like:
"PA1=0" // set 0 to a port
"do some time-consuming instruction to ensure a fixed duration"
"PA1=1" // set 1 to the port

I tried to include "core_cm3.h" and use NVIC_DisableIRQ(1), but it gave me 30 ERRORS and messages like "...error: #1114: this feature not supported on target architecture/processor".

How can I simply disable/enable IRQ's for my SAM7X (which C-procedures to use)?
I'll appreciate comments to this isse.

Best Regards
Terje Bohler

  • On a different route - any possibility of using a SPI device for your task, so you just give the SPI device a suitable sequence of bits to send at a pre-defined baudrate and then let your software do something else while the hardware plays the pattern on a processor pin? Then you don't affect your interrupt response times.

  • On a different route - any possibility of using a SPI device for your task, so you just give the SPI device a suitable sequence of bits to send at a pre-defined baudrate and then let your software do something else while the hardware plays the pattern on a processor pin? Then you don't affect your interrupt response times.
