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Migrate from STM32F103RG to STM32F072RB


I have a project based on STM32F103RGT6 microcontroller, using µVision V5.13.00. Everything is fine building, debugging etc.

Now, i want to change the microncontroller to STM32F072RBT6.
Is there any easy way to do that through the µVision?

I tried to change the target Device to STM32F072RB from the options of the project, but still the includes in the source code refer to stm32f10x.h and NOT in stm32f0xx.h.

Is there any automatic way to change the target controller on my prject assuming that both controllers fulfill the requirements of it?

Thanks in advance for your help.

  • No, I don't think there's an automagic way of porting your project. Frankly I think there are significant architectural differences between the F1 and F0 series, that you can't just wave a magic wand anyway.

    Suggest you create a NEW project for the NEW architecture, this can be a simple shell project. Confirm you can build that. Then use a merge tool, like WinMerge, to migrate portions of your existing project to the new project, and do what ever porting or adaption that is required.

  • No, I don't think there's an automagic way of porting your project. Frankly I think there are significant architectural differences between the F1 and F0 series, that you can't just wave a magic wand anyway.

    Suggest you create a NEW project for the NEW architecture, this can be a simple shell project. Confirm you can build that. Then use a merge tool, like WinMerge, to migrate portions of your existing project to the new project, and do what ever porting or adaption that is required.
