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Memory window does not display meaningful external data RAM content


In my debug session, when I tried to display the contents of the external data RAM through the memory window, I see always a value corresponding to the upper 2 nibbles of the address. For example, addresses 0xF000 to 0xF0FF show the value 0xF0, while addresses 0xF100 to 0xF1FF show the value 0xF1.

Displaying the contents of the Flash memory seems fine on the other hand.

Any idea why is the display of the external data RAM not working for me?
Many thanks in advance!

  • And you're absolutely sure that external memory is correctly connected and functioning? I ask because this failure pattern is somewhat similar to what one gets if trying to use read from external RAM that doesn't physically exist, or is not connected properly.

    Or maybe it's not actually external RAM you're talking about, but rather built-in XRAM? If so: are you sure this internal XRAM has been enabled?

  • And you're absolutely sure that external memory is correctly connected and functioning? I ask because this failure pattern is somewhat similar to what one gets if trying to use read from external RAM that doesn't physically exist, or is not connected properly.

    Or maybe it's not actually external RAM you're talking about, but rather built-in XRAM? If so: are you sure this internal XRAM has been enabled?
