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does RTX (CMSIS-RTOS) support CanFestival(CANopen)


I find there's hardly any examples or documents supporting CanFestival in CMSIS-RTOS - RTX . I'm using RTX for a long time,and want to use CanFestival in RTX . I wonder if there is any doc or examples that relating with this?

I'm looking forward to your reply, thanks.

  • Or except for CanFestival, is there any other free(don't need to be open source) CANopen implemented as master? I want to use it immediately in my application, and there is not much time to develop it on RTX based Cortex-M4 MCU myself.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  • Or except for CanFestival, is there any other free(don't need to be open source) CANopen implemented as master? I want to use it immediately in my application, and there is not much time to develop it on RTX based Cortex-M4 MCU myself.

    Any advice would be appreciated!
