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How can I worjk around the A15101E error?

Hello. I am using the lite edition of Keil uVision4.

I try to execute the simple command: "MOV r4, #0xA6E90000". I am getting the error message: "A1510E: Immediate 0xA6E90000 cannot be represented by 0-255 and a rotation"

However, the IDE has no problem executing "MOV r4, #0xFFFFFFFF"

  • You seem to be under the impression that this has something to do with the IDE. It doesn't.

    It was your own decision to program an ARM in assembly. That decision was probably a premature one, but hey, everyone's entitled to making their own mistakes.

    But now that you made that decision, you will have to at least follow through on it. That means you have to actually learn this assembly language. But you didn't, and that's what's causing you this problem. The error message you got is crystal clear.

  • You seem to be under the impression that this has something to do with the IDE. It doesn't.

    It was your own decision to program an ARM in assembly. That decision was probably a premature one, but hey, everyone's entitled to making their own mistakes.

    But now that you made that decision, you will have to at least follow through on it. That means you have to actually learn this assembly language. But you didn't, and that's what's causing you this problem. The error message you got is crystal clear.
