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Version 5.12 and legacy code additional warnings

Okay so downloaded the latest version of the tool

put in the additional legacy code support and recompiled the code

I now have warnings in the code for what are tasks e.g.

__task void XXXTask(void)
uint16_t wTaskRun = 1;

      // random stuff so flash an LED for the gimps
   * End of the function kill it nicely
   OS_XXX_id = 0; /** so we know the task is dead **/

now produces a warning: #1461-D: function declared with "noreturn" does return

There are no return; calls anywhere in the function so is the new tool missing the __task ?

What concerns me is that it only does this with 2 of the tasks where as I have another 9 that effectively end in the same manner yet no warning is produced for those

Has anyone else come across this ?

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