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Unexpected ULINK2 reset voltages

I have a ULINK2 connected to a LPC1758. The reset line has a 10k pullup and 100nF to ground.
When I attempt to debug uVision4 sometimes starts at the reset vector and sometimes not.

I have measured the voltage on the reset line. The ULINK2 pulls it down to 0V as you would expect for reset but then it sits at about 1.8 - 2V. If it is a lucky start, once the code hits main() the voltage jumps to 3V3.

I presume that the code isn't starting sometimes because the 2V is slightly below releasing the reset. I assumed that the reset output of the ULINK2 was open-drain but it's not showing that characteristic.

Where does the 2V come from and how can I make it reset reliably?


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