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USB MSC class and CD ROM subclass

Hi Dear Friends,
I've used mass storage code from sample codes of KEIL on AT91SAM7x.
And it works correctly and shows it as Flash memory in the windows.Then I changed it to apear as CD-ROM in windows.I have changed PDT and block size and added SCSI commands that requires.

Now I want to replace the contents of the disk image into CD one, which is formatted following to ISO966 spec . And there is my problem. I confused about it.In Primary Volume Descriptor should I placed the path table first and then placed the root? And I have problem with the path table itself too.

Can anyone help me about it? Or give me an example or tutorial about ISO?

I have used the Nero too to create ISO file but when it created the ISO File size is about 1 MB although I just put the same README.TXT that are in DISKImg.c and its size is just 94 B. What am I missing?

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