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core_cm4.h no such file

Hi, Im using uVision and have a STM32F291-DISCO development board (the one with a ftf screen)

I've downloaded the Discovery firmware version 1.01 and a few of the peripheral example projects won't compile. I get the same error >> .\..\..\..\..\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Include\stm32f4xx.h(463): error: #5: cannot open source input file "core_cm4.h": No such file or directory

I've googled this error and it has something to do with the project being for the older uVision version 4 or something. How can I fix this please?

Please don't be to concise on the instructions (I'm new to this)


  • Make sure you have the include paths specified properly, ie where, and what order, the compiler searches for an #include

    Options -> C/C++ -> Include Paths (uv4 at least)


    or wherever you installed it.


  • Make sure you have the include paths specified properly, ie where, and what order, the compiler searches for an #include

    Options -> C/C++ -> Include Paths (uv4 at least)


    or wherever you installed it.

