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Can DS-5 compile the firmware for ARM-based baseband chip?


I am working on a project to write and compile firmware for Intel X-Gold 6255 baseband chip (core: ARM1136J). Can DS-5 support me to that? I was told DS-5 if go together with DSTREAM can only trace the instruction of the ARM1136J via JTAG and cannot be used to compile firmware for the chips. Is this correct?



  • You probably want to have a look at; especially Developer Resources > Supported Devices and Supported Processor Cores. DS-5 can build code for ARM1136J-S. It doesn't come with a simulator for ARM1136 though and DSTREAM doesn't have out-of-the-box support for Intel X-Gold 6255 (although if the target has a JTAG connector, DS-5 may be able to create a connection for it).

    If you're trying to build some existing firmware (as opposed to writing it from scratch) then you need to find out what tools the firmware expects to be built with.

  • You probably want to have a look at; especially Developer Resources > Supported Devices and Supported Processor Cores. DS-5 can build code for ARM1136J-S. It doesn't come with a simulator for ARM1136 though and DSTREAM doesn't have out-of-the-box support for Intel X-Gold 6255 (although if the target has a JTAG connector, DS-5 may be able to create a connection for it).

    If you're trying to build some existing firmware (as opposed to writing it from scratch) then you need to find out what tools the firmware expects to be built with.

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