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CMSIS-USART driver clock speed

Hi, I have a project where I need to interface with a device through a serial port at 2,250,000 baud but the CMSIS usart drive won't let me as it has too large an error.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get over this?

Also the baud rate calculator for the LPC43xx formula in UM10503 rev 1.8 page 1115 seems wrong?
With my system working at 230400 baud, my registers are:

plck = 12MHz
DLM = 5
DLL = 0
DivAddVal = 5
MulVal = 8

baud = plck/(16 x (256 x DLM +DLL) +(1 + DivAddVal/MulVal))

According to this calc I get a 360baud?
Does anyone have a correct formula or do I have something wrong.

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