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Error L6218E Undefined Symbol

(Using Cortex M4) and Keil uVision

I get error :

.\Armboard\Armboard.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TimingDelay_Decrement (referred from stm32f4xx_it.o).

whenever I build target. In the file there is an #include "main.h" where the function is clearly defined, however I still get this error.

Any help?

  • This isn't a compiler error. This is a linker error. So have you configured your project to to compile and link that other source file? So the linker will see the *.o file that contains the generated code for that function?

  • This isn't a compiler error. This is a linker error. So have you configured your project to to compile and link that other source file? So the linker will see the *.o file that contains the generated code for that function?
