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how does a microcontroller work!

I'm doing some study on PID AC motor controller.
I have a commercial PID motor controller (AC/single phase/220V/50Hz) in hand. It is based on 80535A. I just traced it and drawn the schematic. I noticed an interesting thing that the RPM sensor is not connected to an INT port. It is just connected to a standard IO0 port. Seems RPM signal is converted to analog signal. My question is, how it is then counting RPM?

I wanted to attach the sensor part here. Anybody can explain?

  • What processor is this? Cite a web page or documentation, the number makes no sense.

    How does it relate to Keil? Why would Keil users be interested in this project/homework?

    Perhaps it doesn't use analogue, may be it connects to a timer pin? Perhaps the pin is examined via a polled or interrupt timer routine?

    Do you have the source code, or is this just some random piece of hardware you're trying to reverse engineer?

    There are tons of books on the concept of micro processors and how they work, try starting there.

  • What processor is this? Cite a web page or documentation, the number makes no sense.

    How does it relate to Keil? Why would Keil users be interested in this project/homework?

    Perhaps it doesn't use analogue, may be it connects to a timer pin? Perhaps the pin is examined via a polled or interrupt timer routine?

    Do you have the source code, or is this just some random piece of hardware you're trying to reverse engineer?

    There are tons of books on the concept of micro processors and how they work, try starting there.
