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Downloading axf file

I have an axf file I would like to download. What is the method to do this? BTW, I'm using a STM32F103RBT6 uC.

  • I assume you don't have a uVision project that creates that axf file, otherwise you'd just use the "Load" button.

    You can use the "fromelf" utility to convert the AXF to a hex file, then follow the steps outlined in "Flash Programming/HEX files" in the uVision help.


  • I assume you don't have a uVision project that creates that axf file, otherwise you'd just use the "Load" button.

    You can use the "fromelf" utility to convert the AXF to a hex file, then follow the steps outlined in "Flash Programming/HEX files" in the uVision help.


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