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BSD accept function


I would like to use the BSD sockets, but the accept function seems unusable!
It will block if I am using RTX. I am not using round robin, so if I make a call to accept the whole system will stall.

I must be missing something here as it would be quite stupid for it to be impossible to come out of accept if there are no pending connections. says blocking mode is enabled if RTX is detected...

  • What is wrong with that? You can normally use a BSD socket from a different task than TCPnet main task. That should be more straight forward. The function will return, when the connection is accepted. See BSD_Server demo example.

  • What is wrong with that? You can normally use a BSD socket from a different task than TCPnet main task. That should be more straight forward. The function will return, when the connection is accepted. See BSD_Server demo example.
