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Using RTX and interrupts in unprivileged mode

I have a question about how or when configure interrupts using RTX in unprivileged mode,
The question is:
1 - What happens if the program goes into an interrupt which uses OS directives before the OS is initialized?

I'm using a MDK-ARM + ver4.53 STM32F4 and this is a piece of pseudo code to illustrate my doubt.

int main(void)
        //initialize the timer to generate an interrupt every 1ms
        PeriphX_Config(); // All peripherals generate interrupts
        PeriphY_Config(); //
        PeriphZ_Config(); //

// What happens if the program takes more than 1ms to reach this point?

__task void task1(void) {
//Wait event
         os_evt_wait_or (0x0008, 0xFFFF);
// do something

void TIM4_IRQHandler(void){
        //Send event
        isr_evt_set (0x0008, task1);
        TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM4, TIM_IT_Update);


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