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Rtx51 on at89c51


can we use the rtos provided with Keil in at89c51/s51/s52.
Bcoz ive got no other option regarding the controller.
if yes, where can i find a detailed guide to use the same.
its needed for a analog joystick kind of a function.
Please help.


  • Lots of errors here. But the main ones are:

    1) You have no other option? There are always options. If you don't see any options you aren't looking.

    2) RTOS needed for handling an analog joystick? Since when?

    On another note - you think the Keil documentation isn't detailed enough? Or you haven't looked for it yet? Or you have looked but didn't find a ready-to-use example program for an analog joystick?

  • Lots of errors here. But the main ones are:

    1) You have no other option? There are always options. If you don't see any options you aren't looking.

    2) RTOS needed for handling an analog joystick? Since when?

    On another note - you think the Keil documentation isn't detailed enough? Or you haven't looked for it yet? Or you have looked but didn't find a ready-to-use example program for an analog joystick?
