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Recursion in embedded system

Can anybody give an insight whether this is good or not in embedded environment?
I have a function which call itself when a condition is false, see code sample below:

void Test(void)
   U8 temp;
   U8 temp1;
   U16 temp2;
   U16 temp3;

      //Exit to this function
     Test();   //Call me again

Does it create memory leak when called many times, say 5 times the flag is false, it will call itself 5x?
This function doesn't called from either ISR or other function, just within it.
Will this create a problem later on?


  • the '51 C is due to the architecture of the processor not a very good candidate for recursive functions.

    instead of what you show, do something like this

    while test();
    // test will return '1' if unsuccesful, '0' id succesful
    bit test(void)


  • the '51 C is due to the architecture of the processor not a very good candidate for recursive functions.

    instead of what you show, do something like this

    while test();
    // test will return '1' if unsuccesful, '0' id succesful
    bit test(void)

