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C206 warning & C267 error while using atoi function

Hello everybody,

First of all I thank you all. With the help of you people I have started programming in C. I have completed my first project in C.

Now in my another project, I used the atoi function. I am getting warning & an error like-

MAIN.C(255): warning C206: 'atoi': missing function-prototype
MAIN.C(255): error C267: 'atoi': requires ANSI-style prototype

If I use the function without any argument, I get no errors. I have included the function prototypes, some of my code is as..

void data_rcvd_proc()
        char *recd_cmd;                         // command part of the string
        unsigned char *recd_dat;                // data part of the string
        unsigned char idata tmp_data[17];

        ES=0;                                                   // disable serial interrupt

/*      SET DATA        */
        if (strpos (RxBuffer, '=') != -1){                      // if '=' found
                recd_cmd = strtok(RxBuffer,"=");
                recd_dat = strtok(NULL,"+");

                if(strcmp(recd_cmd, "DELAY_TIME")==0){
//                      delay_time = atoi(recd_dat);            //atoi converts ascii number string into integer

                else if(strcmp(recd_cmd, "UP")==0){
//                      up_time = atoi(recd_dat);               //atoi converts ascii number string into integer

                else if(strcmp(recd_cmd, "Down")==0){
                        up_time = atoi();                       //atoi converts ascii number string into integer


Pleas help! I cannot understand the problem because in my previous project I HAD EXACTLY USED THE SAME WAY & IT WAS WORKING PERFECTLY , Thanks.

  • MAIN.C(255): warning C206: 'atoi': missing function-prototype
    MAIN.C(255): error C267: 'atoi': requires ANSI-style prototype
    I have included the function prototypes,

    Well, the compiler rather explicitly disagrees with you on that one. And with all due respect, in those cases it's almost always the compiler that's rigt.

    So I suggest you do yourself a favour: try to determine the minimal source file that still produces those messages, while you think it shouldn't. Then show us that source file, and together we'll find out that's going on.

  • MAIN.C(255): warning C206: 'atoi': missing function-prototype
    MAIN.C(255): error C267: 'atoi': requires ANSI-style prototype
    I have included the function prototypes,

    Well, the compiler rather explicitly disagrees with you on that one. And with all due respect, in those cases it's almost always the compiler that's rigt.

    So I suggest you do yourself a favour: try to determine the minimal source file that still produces those messages, while you think it shouldn't. Then show us that source file, and together we'll find out that's going on.
