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How to minimize UNCALLED SEGMENT error

I am working with Kiel
but i am getting more errors as uncalled segment
please can anybody tell me the way of removing those errors.... other then removing/commenting that particular segment

  • "i am getting more errors as uncalled segment"

    More than what?

    Are you sure they are actually errors - not just warnings?

    "other then removing/commenting that particular segment"

    No - there is no other way!

    If they are not called, then there is obviously no way to avoid the message which tells you that they are not called!

    Why do you have uncalled segments in your code?

    Do you understand why this could be a Very Bad Thing and, thus, why the tools warn you about it?

  • "i am getting more errors as uncalled segment"

    More than what?

    Are you sure they are actually errors - not just warnings?

    "other then removing/commenting that particular segment"

    No - there is no other way!

    If they are not called, then there is obviously no way to avoid the message which tells you that they are not called!

    Why do you have uncalled segments in your code?

    Do you understand why this could be a Very Bad Thing and, thus, why the tools warn you about it?

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