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ARM and 8051 uVision Together

We are currently developing an 8051 based project using the PK51 Development Kit and are going to move to an ARM based system probably using the MDK-ARM Development Kit. My question is, since they both use uVision4, will they coexist on the same PC? Is there anything special that needs to be done for them to coexist? My expectation is that they are completely independent packages that both use uVision and will peacefully coexist but I don't want to be surprised.

  • They will share uVision but the architecture-specific part will reside in separate directory trees.

    Under c:\Keil you will still have a directory UV4, but will also get a directory ARM.

    And the file c:\Keil\TOOLS.INI will get sections relating to ARM.

  • They will share uVision but the architecture-specific part will reside in separate directory trees.

    Under c:\Keil you will still have a directory UV4, but will also get a directory ARM.

    And the file c:\Keil\TOOLS.INI will get sections relating to ARM.
