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Problem writing and reading EEPROM by LPC2148 I2C0

I am working on LPC2148 implemented on Embedded Artists board. I am trying to write to the connected EEPROM and then read my data back.
the hardware connection is fine and the slave address is 0xA0, I already read most of the online related information and the usermanual, but still I have problem with it.
the problem is I can't get ACK from slave.
since this is my first time working with I2C I do have some basic questions:
1. when simulating my code with keil(uvision4) do I have to get the ACK during simulation from Slave?
in my case, when I simulate my code in debugger it shows the Master transmit Slave address, but then it goes to the status condition which shows no ACK from Slave.
2. does keil simulate the external hardware?
3. when I use Logic Analyzer in Keil debugger, it shows that SDA, SCL are high, do they have to change?

thanks for your help

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