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More ADC channels on MCBSTM32 demo board

I am using the MCBSTM32 board from Keil (STM32F103RBT6), Blinky example.
I has only one AD channel defined where the potmeter is connected (PA1, ADC1).
I need more ports as AD inputs, PA2 to PA7 (ADC2-ADC7).
I am a newbe to this and do not know al the registers (and hopefully do not need to know).
Can somebody please help me set this up?
Best regards

unsigned short int  ADC_ConvertedValue;

  Initialises the Analog/Digital converter
  PA1 (ADC Channel1) is used as analog input
  use DMA Channel1 for ADC1 (see DMA request mapping)
void adc_Init (void) {

//  GPIOA->CRL &= ~0x0000000F;               // set PIN1 as analog input (see stm32_Init.c)

  RCC->AHBENR |= (1<<0);                          // enable periperal clock for DMA

  DMA1_Channel1->CMAR  = (u32)&ADC_ConvertedValue;// set channel1 memory address
  DMA1_Channel1->CPAR  = (u32)&(ADC1->DR);        // set channel1 peripheral address
  DMA1_Channel1->CNDTR = 1;                       // transmit 1 word
  DMA1_Channel1->CCR   = 0x00002520;              // configure DMA channel
  DMA1_Channel1->CCR  |= (1 << 0);                // DMA Channel 1 enable

  RCC->APB2ENR |= (1<<9);                         // enable periperal clock for ADC1

  ADC1->SQR1  = 0x00000000;                       // only one conversion
  ADC1->SMPR2 = 0x00000028;                       // set sample time channel1 (55,5 cycles)
  ADC1->SQR3  = 0x00000001;                       // set channel1 as 1st conversion

  ADC1->CR1   = 0x00000100;                       // use independant mode, SCAN mode
  ADC1->CR2   = 0x000E0103;                       // use data align right,continuous conversion
                                                  // EXTSEL = SWSTART
                                                  // enable ADC, DMA mode, no external Trigger
  ADC1->CR2  |=  0x00500000;                                   // start SW conversion

Main loop:
AD_value  = ADC_ConvertedValue;               // Read AD value

  • The data sheets or user manuals for the processors are nice documents written specifically to help people who don't already know all registers. By the way - every programmer who starts using a processor will start from a situation where we don't know the registers. Some of the things we may then memorize but most of the time we will work with the data sheets constantly open as cross references.

  • The data sheets or user manuals for the processors are nice documents written specifically to help people who don't already know all registers. By the way - every programmer who starts using a processor will start from a situation where we don't know the registers. Some of the things we may then memorize but most of the time we will work with the data sheets constantly open as cross references.
