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DFU and MCBSTM32E, general questions about DFU

Hi everybody,

i have here an MCBSTM32E and i want to upgrade its Firmware via USB.
So i found the DFU example from ST and tried to load it to the board, it worked.
But i have some trouble with switching between DFU and Usermode. As i have seen in the example from ST there is the function DFU_Button_Read() called but what button is this on the MCBSTM32E?
I also tried to define a own Button but with no success.

I also have some general questions about DFU:
Have i understood right that at for example adress 0x8000000 starts the DFU programm and when the button is pressed the programm will jump to 0x8003000 where the User programm is located.
With the DfuSe i only write the programm to 0x8003000 and dont change the DFU programm at the beginning?

Hope you can help me and understand my horrible english.

Thanks and regards

  • The example from ST is, unsurprisingly, designed to work with ST's boards!

    "what button is this on the MCBSTM32E?"

    Whatever button you choose to make it!

    "I also tried to define a own Button but with no success"

    Then you obviously did it wrong!

    Without seeing what you did, nobody can possibly give you any help in where it might be wrong and, thus, how to fix it - can they?!

    Have you successfully managed to read a button on the MCBSTM32E in a simple application that does nothing else?
    You obviously need to complete this basic step before moving on to more advanced things like DFU!

    "I also have some general questions about DFU"

    They are specific questions about ST's DFU example, so you need to ask ST - they have nothing specifically to do with Keil.

    Have you studied the ST Documentation?

    "understand my horrible english"

    Your English is fine.

  • The example from ST is, unsurprisingly, designed to work with ST's boards!

    "what button is this on the MCBSTM32E?"

    Whatever button you choose to make it!

    "I also tried to define a own Button but with no success"

    Then you obviously did it wrong!

    Without seeing what you did, nobody can possibly give you any help in where it might be wrong and, thus, how to fix it - can they?!

    Have you successfully managed to read a button on the MCBSTM32E in a simple application that does nothing else?
    You obviously need to complete this basic step before moving on to more advanced things like DFU!

    "I also have some general questions about DFU"

    They are specific questions about ST's DFU example, so you need to ask ST - they have nothing specifically to do with Keil.

    Have you studied the ST Documentation?

    "understand my horrible english"

    Your English is fine.
