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Simulator Access Violation

Hi there,

Using uVision 3 simulator, with device selected as ST10F276 (which has a block of RAM at 0xF0000-0xFFFFF), I am getting an access violation whenever I try access anything in the simulators memory inside that address range. I also can not manually alter that address range. The XRAM1 and XRAM2 flags are set and the RAM is enabled. The same code was working fine on an ST10F269 device. All I have done is changed the device and altered the addresses of the RAM block (as it moved from segment 0 to segment 15 between devices). The access violation says I am trying to access the correct address that I want, so the code is working out the address correctly. The code runs fine on an actual ST10F276 part without traps or anything silly happening.

Any ideas? Is there something I need to change in the simulator setup?

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