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Target memory setting

For LPC 1768 develop using uVision 4.21. I set the target memory to:

IROM1: 0x0 0x80000
IRAM1: 0x10000000 0x8000
IRAM2: 0x2007c000 0x8000

But someone told me I can also set to:

IROM1: 0x0 0x80000
IRAM1: 0x10000000 0x8000
RAM2: 0x2007c000 0x8000

Because LPC 1768 does not has the external memory controller and linker does not care the on/off chip. Is that correct? If yes, if chip (like LPC 1788) does has the external memory controller, can I still set like that just because linker does not care the on/off chip memory?

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