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beginner's questions

I just start to develop LPC 1768 application using Keil uVision4.21. I have some questions which I can not find the answer from my document / web search:

1. Where to find a list of Compiler and Linker error messages for uVision 4.21?

2. When I build example project. I got:

Program Size: Code=72538 RO-data=155114 RW-data=348 ZI-data=64436

the document said: ZI-data:Shows how many bytes are occupied by zero-initialized data. RW-data:Shows how many bytes are occupied by read-write data. RO-data:Shows how many bytes are occupied by read-only data. Code: Shows how many bytes are occupied by code.

I do not understand why "RO-data" is much bigger than "Code"? When this might happened?

3. After I successfully debug my code, which file I should hand to manufacture and how they could put it to the board without Keil develop tools?

  • I do not understand why "RO-data" is much bigger than "Code"?

    Your mistake is most likely in beliving there's anything to understand there. Why shouldn't it?

    which file I should hand to manufacture and how they could put it to the board without Keil develop tools?

    If you need to ask, no file of yours is production-worthy. If they don't already know, they won't be producing anything worth having.

  • I do not understand why "RO-data" is much bigger than "Code"?

    Your mistake is most likely in beliving there's anything to understand there. Why shouldn't it?

    which file I should hand to manufacture and how they could put it to the board without Keil develop tools?

    If you need to ask, no file of yours is production-worthy. If they don't already know, they won't be producing anything worth having.
