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gsm interfacing with arm7

i am using sim300 and lpc2148 in my project. i am able to send the AT commands through uart1. bt unable to receive the response of module. it is showing a garbage on lcd 16x2

  • shashank,

    first connect gsm module to pc and check it using UART. This will confirm that your model is working correctly or not.

    Then instead of sending that data to LCD You can tap serial line between modem and lpc2148 board and see the response on PC hyperterminal.

    Tap only transmit line of GSM module .... dont tap transmit line.


  • shashank,

    first connect gsm module to pc and check it using UART. This will confirm that your model is working correctly or not.

    Then instead of sending that data to LCD You can tap serial line between modem and lpc2148 board and see the response on PC hyperterminal.

    Tap only transmit line of GSM module .... dont tap transmit line.

